Club Policies



1. First aid policy

Arrangements for First-Aid Equipment and Facilities

Yorkshire MPAGB will endeavour to ensure that premises used for training or competitions have adequate equipment and facilities to enable first-aid to be provided to its competitors, officials or spectators if they are injured or become ill.

Each venue will be assessed in relation to its size and location, the sports undertaken and the number of participants to determine the appropriate provision of first-aid facilities.

2. Safeguarding/Child Protection

The Yorkshire Club and all engaged coaches fully endorses and adheres to MPAGB policies and procedures on Safeguading and child protection.

We have two Welfare Officers who can be contacted with regards to any welfare issues.     Welfare Officer details

Follow link for full details of Child Protection Policy and for more information on safeguading policies go to the main website click pentathlon GB – Safeguarding

Child Protection Policy  

3. Equality

The club fully endorses and adheres to MPAGB policies and procedures on equality . Follow link to access full details (included under policies)  PGB-Policy on Equality 

4. Parent Policy

The club policy is included in the attached document

5. Behaviour of Junior Athletes

The club fully endorses and adheres to MPAGB recommended code of conduct for young athletes. Follow links to access full details (included under behavioural codes)

PGB-Code of Conduct and Ethics

6. Constitution

The club policy is included in the attached document